
The end of a year – whether personal (a birthday or another big event) or annual  (January 1, Chinese New Year, etc) offers us a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the year and re-set our goals, intentions and desires for the future. This is a powerful process, once set we not only tend to start to make decisions based on them but energetically we often seem to almost magically move towards them.

Except in one of ‘those’ years. 

After one of ‘those’ years, instead of feeling a loving, affirming life giving process the process of reflection can be disheartening and depressing. Using this gentle 6-step process is a wonderful way to affirm the positive and even unearth an unexpected new direction.

Step 1 – (Super Important!!!) Start from a lighthearted place. Make sure you have taken some time off and had some fun. Don’t make yourself sit down and reflect just because of a date.

Step 2 – When you are ready, take some time to consider the year just gone. This is not about beating yourself up or identifying where you have fallen short of last year’s goals or intentions. This is purely about noticing your year and your wins. Especially your unexpected ones. Celebrate all that has been.

Step 3 – Notice if perhaps any of those unexpected developments are flirting with you, showing you a new direction. Consider if those flirts are something you may want to pursue. My clients create a ‘Big Audacious Dream’ and a manifesting “I’m so happy that now …” statement – you probably have something similar – a picture of what your biggest best life would look like. Consider it in light of what emerges in your reflections. Be aware that it is easy to stay caught up in a habitual focus – allow yourself to question and be curious about your future – especially about what has given you joy in this last year.

Step 4 – Only now start to consider your next steps forward. What intentions you would like to create for this next year. If you jump into creating an intention before you have taken the time to celebrate what was and perhaps identify a flirt or two you might just miss something that ‘The Team’ are trying to flag for you!

Step 5 – Once you have your intentions set you can start to identify milestones, the rocks that will create the foundations for what you are wanting to create – make sure those are clear and in your diary for accountability. Important!!! If it all feels exhausting perhaps you have jumped ahead too quickly and you may need to go back to step 1 or step 2. Or perhaps wait till the next opportunity – a New Moon always heralds a new start and they happen every month. You want to be feeling curious and interested in how your intentions will manifest. Not tired!

Step 6 – Let it go! Stay present and have fun, commit to enjoying the year despite anything and see what emerges! Definitely check in with your rocks / milestones regularly but let go of trying to be the only one pulling the strings.

You never know what might happen!


******** This was written with the intention of helping you to live your best life, I would love to hear your thoughts on this, And if you think someone else would enjoy it please feel free to share it around. And check out my free stuff on my membership site here! *********

********* if you want to know more about how I can help you Create The Life You Want To Live please do get in touch! ********

Copyright 2023 Gay Landeta, Create The Life You Want To Live. All rights reserved.