Create Your Life On-Line

Are you fed up feeling stuck?

Know that something has to change

Are you ready to create the life YOU want to live?  


All the greatest teachings focus on one thing – the potential that we have as human being

So why then do we struggle to live up to this potential? 

And how do we create a life we really love, a life of meaning – when often we don’t even know WHAT we want?! 

Create Your Life, Dream, Plan and Unfold works with your brain’s natural neuro-plasticity to create new ways of thinking and being, allowing your dreams to manifest and you to create a life you love. 

To change you need to transform what no longer serves you. To do that you need to understand your drivers and take back control of your life. 

New patterns are best created step by step and Create Your Life, Dream, Plan and Unfold does exactly that. It takes you through a processwe like to create to help you let go of the past and open yourself up to that un-realised potential that sits in all of us. 

Each class is between 10 and 25 minutes long and helps you to explore and transform your inner and outer world. Each class has new self care tools to play with and new ideas to explore. You change step by step, manifesting that potential you always knew you had. 

Your space to create is open on-line anytime you like. No matter what life looks like you can always access your own dreaming space. 

The first 4 modules will help you explore where you are now, what brought you to this place and the gifts you have gained. You will come to love the present. 

Module 1 – Embrace the Present; uncover what your subconscious wants you to know right now.

Module 2 – Open to the Future; bring closure to what was and open to what will be. 

Module 3 – Create your Foundations; get crystal clear about what you need to know to master your life.

Module 4 – Uncover your Dreamings; time to get into it – uncover what you really want.

The next 4 modules will guide you to open to your dreams and create your Big Audacious Vision of what your life could be! You learn how to take Right Action and allow this to manifest in your life.

Module 5 – Create Your Vision; start to create your Big Audacious Vision.

Module 6 – Uncover your Purpose; align to your mission and your purpose.

Module 7 – Put in your Order! Start manifesting your dreams – it is time to put in your order.

Module 8 – Make it Happen; let go and let it happen. Learn how to stay in the present while manifesting your dreams.


Then to embed your new learnings into your life you have 12 months of email accountability with me. I will be your guardian angel, helping you to stay on track. 

And to help you through the inevitable bumps along the way, you have 1-1 time with me – for mentoring, kinesiology or coaching, whatever you need. 

You have 2 hours of time to use as you wish – most people have a session with a couple of follow up Power Chats – but you do you. It is your time. 

Your bonuses include a copy of My Big Audacious Life Workbook to help you stay focused on your dreams. 

And my eBook I Want To Change My Life to dip into when you choose. 


Individually this would cost anything from $800 – $1800

… but you can have this whole package for only $297 (less than the session fees!)

Why so cheap? Because I think the happier we each are the better the world is and this is my contribution to that. ❤️ 

Click here to buy now!

I would love you to join me and guarantee that you will love it. But if it isn’t right for you just let me know within 2 weeks and I will happily return your money no questions asked. I want you to love it and if you don’t I won’t be happy either, so no need to worry if it is right – it’s 100% guaranteed – the only risk is in not giving it a go!

Click here to buy now! 


Here’s what Susanne is saying after only the first 4 Modules ….

“I am only halfway into the program and I’m loving it. I commenced because I felt stuck, and no matter what I tried to do to change it, I didn’t make much inroads.

After the first couple of weeks I noticed that some kind of magic was starting to happen in my life. I felt less stressed about the same situation I was in – some things just are out of my control. I guess in following the program activities, I began to feel more centred and stronger within myself. I no longer felt like a victim of a situation I had no control over, because I had taken charge of my SELF.

I have more energy & motivation than before I started. My emotional down times have decreased and things don’t feel as if they’re too hard to do, whereas before, I sometimes would feel I had to climb mountains to achieve simple and easy things.

I knew I had to go through some ‘repair work’ first, before I could really start creating the life I want to live and as I live remotely, an online program like this was just like a gift from heaven.

Thank you Gay, for putting this wonderful program together and for your guidance along the way. You don’t know how much you’ve helped me already to get ‘unstuck’, and I’m only half way through…” Susanne Hopfner

And Beverley says 

“Thank you for CREATE-ing your Life Mastery course. I highly recommend anyone to just jump in, and do it; to have no expectations and start with an open mind and heart.  Anything, even if seeming only a small thing that you get out of it is worth it.

I loved the Maori Drawing, even when you think your artwork is nothing special it speaks to and about yourself.  I highly recommend doing any and all of the extra exercises such as the 12-month diary where you set up affirmations and or readings for each month.  I found that these have then related to the webinar subjects. It all ties in and reinforces your progress. Nothing short of amazing. The soul knows!
With my gratitude, Beverley

Here’s to creating an amazing 12 months!

All the best,

Gay Landeta Kinesiologist