The Learn Smart Program, improve your ability to learn.

Is this for you?

This program is for you if you are ready to increase your ability to learn easily and become a self-starting and confident learner. It doesn’t matter how old you are, whether you are in prep or a mature age student, the only requirement is the desire for change.

Why would you need it?

Learning should be fun! If you are a student, a parent of a student or contemplating further study and you have concerns about learning this program may be for you. Your concerns  may be about:

  • The process of learning; including reading, writing, maths or higher thinking skills.
  • The organisation of learning; planning, study or execution.
  • The skills required to learn easily; listening, written and verbal communication, focus and concentration.
  • The self esteem of learning; feeling positive about the possibility of learning and the confidence to take a risk.
  • Or you may simply want to learn more easily and effectively.
What will it do for you?

You will release old programming about learning, develop confidence and improve the skills, including in focus and concentration, that you need to learn effectively.

The Learn Smart Program is based on the highly effective Brain Gym® program that harnesses neuroplasticity to retrain the brain. Together with the added benefits of kinesiology and coaching in learning styles and strategies, you will discover your own unique learning style, build your self-esteem and become self-assured about the way you learn. You will gain tools to learn more easily and effectively in any situation regardless of your age.

This program is tailored to suit the individual and helps develop both analytical and global thinking styles, often talked of as right and left brain thinking. Each thinking style has its own relevance however to be a successful learner you need natural and easy access to both. Without it you tend to be either an over-stressed learner who tries too hard or you just give up when the going gets tough.

The Learn Smart program works with your body’s natural process of development to build the connections to improve the ability to learn. These connections are vital to easy learning, without them difficulties can emerge. If you or your child are experiencing :

  • visual or auditory processing difficulties
  • problems with short or long term memory
  • difficulties crossing the midline
  • struggle with coordination and spatial awareness
  • difficulty sitting still

Then these issues can impact enormously on reading, writing and the development of the complex thinking skills required to succeed at study.

What will happen?

The Learn Smart Program consists of an initial assessment of 1 to 1½ hours where we discuss your needs, this is followed by 10 X 1 hour sessions that are held anything from weekly to six weekly, depending upon the circumstances. A program will take from 3 to 12 months to complete.

Each Learn Smart Program is individualised for maximum personal benefit and may include:

  • identification of your unique learning style
  • support in learning how to study more effectively
  • developing self-esteem and self-confidence
  • building motivation and the ability to self-start
  • addressing behavioural concerns, negative thought patterns or other limiting issues
  • parent/child coaching or Family Skills Training
  • working with primitive reflexes and sensory integration to resolve developmental delays

Homeplay (homework to be done in a fun way!) will usually be required. This will usually consist of about 5 minutes a day of simple movements. I often recommend vibrational essences to support the change process. These are supplied at a nominal fee. Sometimes, for families, homework is undertaken in the form of charts or programs, these help your family enjoy your time together more effectively.

Learning is a natural state and should be interesting and even fun!   

The Learn Smart 10 session program can help you or your child find enjoyment again in learning new things. 

To find out more fill in the form below or call me on 0418 795 135. 

Or to get started now, book an initial session and we will take it from there – book online here.