
Gay LandetaMandala_033_Gratitude


People have been talking about using gratitude as a tool for happiness for years. There are even studies that show that having a positive and appreciative attitude to life brings more health and happiness and even success.


Despite all that it can still be hard to muster up gratitude when all we see is what is missing in our life and what we believe we should have.


Then, of course, there is facebook and other social media proving to us what others have already achieved or have…. what a minefield! Unless you are already a master at gratitude – if so congratulations, enjoy your health and happiness! For the rest of us it is time to create the habit of gratitude and cultivate that  positive and appreciative attitude.


Practice seeing life as an opportunity and a blessing and choose to focus on the gifts that you already have. This will help you retain balance and give you hope. This is not about ignoring the pain and injustice of the world, it is about caring for your own energy.  The more appreciative, supported and hopeful we feel the more energy we have to support others, emotional burnout happens when we have no hope left.


There are a million things to be grateful each day : the sun, the air-conditioner (in our Qld heat wave!), legs that work, chocolate, new shoes, hugs from a friend, yoga, cherries, a kookaburras laugh….  What’s on your list?


Some Ways to Practice Gratitude


1.       Make a gratitude list instead of a complaints or want list.

2.       Draw or collage the things you are grateful for.

3.       Keep a gratitude journal and write in it every day or every week.

4.       Practice being grateful at a specific time each day, perhaps at dinner or before you go to sleep.

5.       Reframe situations – find the gratitude in the challenges (this doesn’t mean ignore the negative feelings, just don’t get sunk by them).


Notice how gratitude feels, and as you feel it embrace the feelings of contentment and happiness that come with it. That is the real gift of gratitude.


This article was written by Gay Landeta with the intention of helping you to Create the Life you want to Live. Copyright 2014, All Rights Reserved.