
by Gay Landeta fire

Back in ’98 I spent 10 days in a leadership program. We went through many processes to break my preconceived notions of possibility including walking on glass, karate chopping boards and bending lengths of reinforced steel – but the most interesting was the fire-walking experience.

This was not the Tony Robins process using NLP to change your thoughts, instead we spent time raising our energy until it met the fire and we walked it. We did it several times so proved time after time that it actually was possible; and what the mind believed; that the fire was too hot to walk on, was just not true.

The process involved building a circular fire of about 4 or so metres in radius. It would burn all day until it was red hot.  We then stood in silence around it, connecting to the inner strength and power that we had been nurturing and building during our stay.

I am a bit of a cynic so my mind thought long and hard about what was happening, considered that perhaps the fire was not as hot as I thought, or maybe the ashes were protecting our feet, or the wood was a certain type… My mind tried to worm its way out of breaking down its preconceived notions in every way possible but in the end I had to believe the reality – the fire was damn hot and we walked it. Regardless of whether we used Iron Bark or Pine, those coals were red hot and could easily cook a very nice steak. 

The really special thing I learnt though, was about the moment of certainty. As we stood around the fire and built the energy, a moment would come when the fire welcomed us. I still remember standing there, feeling the heat of the fire on my face (glad I was wearing cotton because the heat from the fire would have melted synthetics!). As I  gathered myself, centered and feeling into the fire a window opened. The fire was no longer hot and at that moment you had to back yourself and your intention to walk the fire and just do it. 

If you hesitated the window closed and the fire was too hot to bear once again. It was an individual process. No one could help you know when to go. We could be encouraged and offered processes to build the energy but only the individual could know when the right time was for them to walk. Walk before you were ready and you got burnt. As my friend found out.

I do think this analogy is true in any situation. There is a moment when something can happen easily. A window opens and something that felt too hard a moment before suddenly becomes simple. The trick is to recognize that moment.

The big question is, how can we recognize and be open to that moment and all the limitless possibilities it offers?

These are my leanings …. first, suspend belief. Our brain is designed to help us stay safe. That means it is very good at learning from the past, identifying potential danger and keeping us well away from it.

To overcome this we must recognize that what our mind tells us is just a construct and may not, in fact, be true. Or at least it may not be true in every situation. So, in the fire-walking situation my belief that fire is hot and burns when you touch it, learnt very specifically as a toddler determined to put my hand onto the hot stove and reinforced many times over the years, had to be suspended. I had to be open to the possibility that what my brain and all my instincts were telling me was not necessarily true. That was the only way I could experience walking on fire.

Secondly, know you can do it. Once you have suspended your belief you must do the internal work to KNOW without a doubt that you can do this. This is the primary work of manifesting anything.

Third, be open to taking the step when the moment arises. You must be courageous and take the step as it presents itself. But not before you are ready or you might get burnt! How can you tell? Well, you wait until you feel the window open.

You also need to be open to knowing if the step is at the right time. If you have misjudged then you may need to step back and build more energy. It is fortunate that we are rarely actually walking on fire so with practice in less dangerous circumstances you begin to identify what it feels like when the window opens. You will then be ready for the fire!

Fourth, make sure you know how to centre and remain centered no matter what the fire looks like. Walking through the fire there is a moment when you are half way across, if you stop to consider what you are doing, or be amazed, it is very likely those feet will burn. If you have stepped forward and decided to walk you must back yourself, back your decision and keep moving, walking with confidence, remaining centered.

By mastering working with the open window you no longer need to be constrained by your limited mind. Nice.

If you are having trouble staying centered, or finding that place of opportunity, kinesiology can help! Give me a ring on 0418 795 135 and book in a session with either myself or my wonderful assistant Chelsea. 

This article was written by Gay Landeta with the intention of helping you to Create the Life you Want to Live! All rights reserved 2014.