Hello and welcome to the Marketing With Heart quiz!

Test your marketing know-how and maybe pick up a few pointers along the way...

The first thing you'll notice when you do this quiz is that the questions don't necessarily seem to relate to marketing. Why? Because marketing is only the visible part of your business. Marketing from your heart means creating marketing that authentically reflects you and the beautiful work you share. To do that you need to have all your foundations in place. Pretty words are not enough.

These questions will dig into your foundations and help you see what needs to be seen. I invite you to take time to read each question fully before answering as each one relates to one of the essential foundations your business needs to thrive. By taking the time to consider your answers you are opening to realisations - some of which might just be the the thing you have been searching for. 

To your business success!


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I have a clear vision of where I want my business to go and I have it written down.

Having your vision written down helps to clarify and solidify your dreams into solid intentions, specific goals and achievable tasks. Is your vision clear enough that you can articulate it on paper?

I have clearly defined goals that will take me step by step to my vision.

Taking action is often the trickiest bit of creating what we want. Figuring out the steps, prioritising and then taking action will always take us closer to our big vision - but it can be totally overwhelming. Do you have a step-by-step plan ready that you can and will take action on?

I know that I offer outstanding value for what I do.

While we can never be the best person for everyone - we do need to believe that we are the best person and offer outstanding value to our perfect clients. Do you have that confidence?

I can clearly explain what I do and the benefits of my services to my clients.

Benefits are what our clients experience working with us rather than what we do for our clients. Two different conversations. Our clients need to know the benefits of working with us not just what we do. Do you feel that you can clearly explain the benefits your exisiting clients get from you?

I can clearly explain the benefits of my services to new clients or people who don't know me.

Slightly different question - can you talk about your work to a stranger? Sometimes we can talk to our existing clients about what we do but put us in front of a stranger and it can become far more difficult - or vice versa. Do you feel you can clearly share the benefits of working with you to someone new?

I know what my special 'niche' is and exactly who my perfect clients are. 

This question refers to both demographics and, more importantly, the psychographics of your perfect clients. Even though you may be able to benefit everyone, knowing those whom you can help the most (and marketing to them) means you will always be getting the best results. Getting the best results means your clients will naturally love your work and rave about you, generating word-of-mouth marketing without you doing anything. WOM is by far the easiest way to get clients - plus you will always love coming to work 'cos you get to see your favourite clients! Do you work with your perfect clients?

I know both my personal and my business values.

Values define who we are, but often our business values need to differ from our personal values to achieve the success we want. This is not about betraying our values or being unethical in any way, shape, or form - this is about clarity and, very often, healthy boundaries. Do you feel clear on your values?

I can clearly explain how my values inform the work I do. 

Another question on values, they drive us but we often can't explain how they impact our work. Being able to articulate this can help us to create marketing that not only feels but actually is authentic. Do your values shine through in your work?

I know my purpose and I can articulate the mission of my business. 

This is about your why. Do you know why you are doing your work? And, importantly, can you articulate it? I know I keep asking if you can articulate your thoughts - but that is because marketing, especially marketing authentically, is about articulating in words and pictures the love we have for our work. Can you articulate that?

I feel comfortable marketing my business and I get the results I want.

Some people feel uncomfortable about marketing, if that is the case then we will either start to avoid it or, over time, it will erode our self-confidence and ability to share. Do you feel comfortable marketing (including writing and posting on the socials, etc) - and more importantly, is it effective - does it get you new clients?

I have strategies and processes in place that continually bring me in new clients.

OK - so this is obviously about your Marketing Strategy. Do you have one? Or is it a scattergun approach that you hope will work?

I have processes in place to nurture my existing clients.

This is not just during a consultation or even immediately after. Existing clients are treasures, especially when they are perfect clients. Having processes in place so your clients feel nurtured and appreciated long after the consultation means they are more likely to return and/or tell others about you. Do you have a clear pathway in place for long-term nurturing?

I always follow up on enquires, leads and referrals promptly. 

Prompt follow-up shows we care - but many people don't follow up for all sorts of reasons. 24 hours is the gold standard. Do you get the gold on this?

My business provides me with a reliable income for an abundant life. 

This can be a touchy point, however, if our work is not providing the financial security we need it to, it is difficult to work from the heart. (Of course, this question does not matter to those who do not need their business for their income.) Can you trust your income? Do you feel your business is sustainable?

I have created a business that nurtures me and is providing for my future.

A business by definition is a profit-based entity, which means it should be paying its staff (you!) a decent wage that includes holiday and sickness pay and superannuation for your future. Can your business do that?