
Gay Landeta

Values are fundamentally the notions, morals and concepts that influence our choices and help us to determine our behaviour and actions. They are shaped by our belief systems and originate through a myriad of influences including our families, our culture and our experiences.

Within our business they shape decisions about our direction and our interaction with our clients and community. The best values statements are not chosen for sounding good but are, in fact, a very clear expression of we are within our business.

To create your Values Statement write a list of values
such as integrity, commitment, passion, innovation, challenge, making a contribution, etc and then a short sentence on each one, such as:

I am innovative and creative; I will use my talents and abilities to create useful services and products that will make a difference to all who use them.

It is good to create a list of between 6 and 8. These can then be crunched down and translated onto your website or brochure to help your potential clients connect with who you are and what you stand for NB! Make sure you choose values you actually stand for, nothing is worse than a mission statement or values statement that is in words only. Ask anyone who has just been on the phone with one of the telcos!

For example a business statement such as :

I choose alignment with my Authentic Self; I will endeavor to work from my Highest at all times, to commit to clarity of vision and to take responsibility for my actions. I will use this together with my skills to help support my clients in achieving their highest potential.

can translate into a website Value Statement such as :

Authenticity – to live from the heart : As we connect to our core essence, our authentic Self, we see more clearly, take more responsibility for our actions and are able to listen and live from our highest self.

If you need some more help on this you will find instructions on doing a values exercise here  
or feel free to contact me on 0418 795 135.

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