
What does Astrology, an ancient tool used for insight and guidance; Meditation used to create calm and develop focus and Psychological Profiling, modern systems used to understand human behavior and help develop potential (one of the best known would be Myers Briggs) all have in common?

They help us to develop the quality of observation of the self.

The ability to observe the self in a detached yet connected manner is an important step in our evolution as a human being. The ability to observe the emotions, thoughts, feelings and sensations of our daily existence is something that can be cultivated to help us become less attached to our daily dramas and less caught in the stories of our life.

In spiritual traditions meditation is used to learn to observe the self. The process of regularly sitting with the thoughts, feelings and sensations that drive our human existence without being caught within them creates a calm yet focused mind and allows us ultimately to access more of our intelligence. Research shows regular meditators have a more developed frontal lobe, the area of critical reasoning, than non meditators.

How can astrology and profiling be used in a similar manner? By using the information attained to help to detach from the drama of life instead of excuse our behaviour.

The more we step away from the situation, the clearer the best and most appropriate response becomes. Offering advice or support to a friend is often easier than giving it to ourselves because we have a bigger perspective and less emotional attachment to the outcome.

As we become the observer we start to develop a bigger perspective. As we learn more about ourselves, through a profiling system, astrology or similar, we see patterns emerge of who we are and can learn to navigate our behaviour in a different manner.

For example in my life I do my best to focus my perfectionism to aim for excellence while listening for the clues that I am falling into nit picking. My stubbornness supports the persistence that is needed to be a successful business owner and I am getting better at seeing when I am hitting my head against the concrete wall! And my sensitivity helps me to tune in to others but learning how to manage it and see the bigger picture was the key to being able to work effectively and not become overwhelmed.

So, while I don’t agree with becoming slavish about anything, I do suggest experiment with using any information that rings true with you, whether astrology or numerology or Disc profiling or Myers Briggs to help you to see yourself from a greater perspective and refocus out dated behaviour into a new and improved version.

This month I invite you to explore some patterns of behaviour. Sit with them, perhaps in meditation, and observe how they impact in your life, positively and negatively.

Once you see clearly how this is impacting start to make some conscious choices of other, more appropriate ways of reacting.


This article was written by Gay Landeta with the intention of helping you to Create the Life you Want to Live! All rights reserved 2011.