
Gay Landeta

gay landetaHeads Up…. We have one more super moon, the third in a row, on the 9th. This full moon will offer you an opportunity to let go of the old and embrace the new, especially around work and health.

Wanting to change your work or find a more fulfilling career? Let go of using your skills and talents and open up to what your heart is calling for.

Your skills and talents will always be useful but your passion will bring you to your purpose and your joy.

For example, when I was younger, my skill set and recognized talents were in the areas of bookkeeping, accounting and law. I had an interest in pottery (which I wasn’t very good at) and reading esoteric books (which I didn’t really understand). I got kicked out of my grade 12 childcare unit (which covered human development) because of my lack of interest and dislike of the teacher. I had no skill or interest in communication, intuition, listening, psychology, developmental movement (or even in moving at all!), the ability to learn, nutrition  … And yet these are areas that I have developed expertise in, despite a lack of natural talent. If I had stuck with my skill set I would probably be a CPA now. My bank manager might be happy but I doubt I would be.

You can utilise the energy of the full moon  by taking the space to explore where your passions lie. Think about what you love doing, or even what would you do in an alternate reality if anything was possible…. 

There will be clues in your dreamings  … Follow them, using your skills and talents to support you, not lead you, and see what emerges!

Love to hear your thoughts on this!