
Gay Landeta

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influences of the sky
how are you traveling in this rocker of a month? The planets are absolutely aligning with the wild spirit of the Year of the Horse! We had a full moon eclipse on April the 15th followed by the much heralded Celestial Cardinal Cross coming up on the 23rd / 24th and then we complete the cycle with a new moon eclipse on April the 29th. And all this around Easter, a time for many that deeply signifies death and rebirth. There is lots of energy around  conflict at the moment, but, when used for its higher purpose, it heralds transformation.

Eclipses in general offer us the opportunity to become more deeply connected by giving us the opportunity to see our shadow side. The full moon offered us the opportunity to let go of what no longer serves us. As this full moon is in the sign of keep an eye on the shadows that may be shown within relationships and / or in decisions. Listen deeply as letting go does not (necessarily) mean breaking up, breaking up can be a way of running away from a change that needs to happen. It maybe that it is time to open to a new way of relationship with yourself or with others and the shadows brought to light by the eclipse might offer some (challenging but useful) home truths to make the change.

This is followed in the coming week (on the 23rd and 24th of April) by a Cardinal Grand Cross, a rare event we have been feeling since the beginning of the year. Four planets move into an exact square, where the conflict between them is most apparent; Pluto in Capricorn, which will push major transformation in structures such as governments and businesses, opposes Jupiter in Cancer which pushes service and heart based actions. This opposition forms the cross with Mars in Libra which is all about justice and truth and relationships opposing Uranus in Aries which is about individuality and societal freedom whilst being part of the whole. In short, we have lots of warring factions (within and without) trying to evolve into a new way of being. Add to that Mars is retrograde until 20th of May. Planets in retrograde tend to leave us feeling frustrated and impotent. This energy will continue to be felt for the next few months and is also the 5th of 7 Pluto – Uranus Squares due between 2012 and 2015.

This is all part of the Pisces to Aquarius shift and offers us an incredible opportunity to break down old patterns that no longer serve us, either personally or from a planetary perspective. It also is heralded as offering an opening to our spiritually as never before. We are living in interesting times. (For in-depth reading do a google search – there is lots and lots out there!)

For yourself, breathe, stay centered, remember what is important to you and stay focused. Do the things that keep you heart centered and have your wishes ready for the New Moon Eclipse in Taurus on the 29th of April. Best time for New Moon wishes? After 5 on the 29th.q

… If you are having trouble staying centered or those warring factions within are winning come in for a session… The energy of change will certainly be with you!

I have been on leave over Easter itself (having a lovely time eating with friends and family, reading, drawing and generally goofing off ), but aside from that I will be in as usual, Monday to Wednesday till late and alternate Fridays and Saturdays until June 3rd when I am taking a couple of weeks off to visit my Mum in Canada. I will be back in the clinic on Saturday the 21st of June talking full blown Canadian once again.

Lots of people are finding my online calendar is useful http://gaylandeta.clinicalendar.com/ – to book you need your mobile phone. Otherwise feel free to contact Chelsea on 0499 154 693 or text (or call) me on 0418 795 135.

This article was written by Gay Landeta with the intention of helping you to Create the Life you Want to Live! All rights reserved 2014.