

Gay Landeta

Happy New Year!!!

I hope you brought in 2014 in the style & way that sings truest to you.

This time of year, as well as enjoying the whole silly season of christmas, I love to review my year and start dreaming about next year.

I love the idea of a new fresh year, like starting a new exercise book at school… I know, it only takes a couple of days until the ruler wobbles and the pen blobs but there is so much possibility in each fresh white sheet!!!! This process was taught to me several years ago as practice that the Mauri people do each year to gain insight and guidance. Everytime I do this I am amazed at the insights I get…

You will need paper and some drawing materials. Before you start it is a good idea to take time to centre yourself. I always find Hook-ups from Brain Gym® a great way to relax and centre myself.

Hookups: There are two parts to Hook-ups. Firstly, place one ankle over the other. Then cross one wrist over the other and interlace your fingers together, draw your hands up to your chest and breathe deeply with your tongue on the roof of your mouth and your eyes closed. After several breaths (6 or 8 is good) move your feet apart and place your fingertips together in front of your chest and continue to breath comfortably until you feel ready to go on.

Once you are centered take your paper and materials and draw these symbols in any order and in any way you like:

  • Snake
  • Flower
  • Tree
  • House
  • Bird
  • Path
  • Mountain
  • Butterfly

I will post the meanings and instructions on how to interpret this exercise tomorrow. I can’t do it now, it would ruin the surprise.

See you tomorrow. Have fun creating the life you want to live…

This article was written by Gay Landeta with the intention of helping you to Create the Life you want to Live. Copyright 2014, All Rights Reserved.