
I loved this question Gangaji posed recently “Our allegiance to our thoughts keeps our attention bound and defines who we think we are. Do we dare to stop following our thoughts?”

As I sat with that question I started to muse about what life would be like if we stopped following our thoughts? If we saw them as just ideas and allowed them to just be without attachment?

It seems to me that if we did then instead of searching we could let the answers find us. Instead of looking for logical patterns to understand chaos we could surrender into it. And Instead of obsessing in the details we could see the beauty around us. We could even instead of pointing blame or feeling victimised we could accept what is as part of this journey and chart a new path. who would be we without our thoughts?

I can only see life as being more peaceful and joyful in the moment rather than future fear based. 

I have always loved this Einstein quote “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift.” Educational Kinesiology (Brain Gym®) is rooted in this idea, I imagine this idea is again at the top of my mind as we have just had our annual conference.

Many presentations linked to this concept but one keynote in particular focused on the intersection of intuition and movement, sharing the experience that intuition comes from a still mind. Not one filled with thoughts. To me that echoes the question posed by Gangaji “Our allegiance to our thoughts keeps our attention bound and defines who we think we are. Do we dare to stop following our thoughts?”

So who am I without my thoughts? Thoughtful morning coffee time. ☕️

******** This was written with the intention of helping you to live your best life, I would love to hear your thoughts on this, And if you think someone else would enjoy it please feel free to share it around.*********

********* if you want to know more about how I can help you Create The Life You Want To Live please do get in touch! ********

Copyright 2021 Gay Landeta, Create The Life You Want To Live. All rights reserved.