Brisbane Life and Business Coach
The demands of modern life can be stressful and exhausting. Creating balance, harmony and personal satisfaction is vitally important. When you focus on the body, mind, spirit connection you realize that the various aspects of your life are all interconnected and impact on each other. As you begin to work with that your personal and business relationships will flourish, as will your relationship with yourself.
The trouble is once you start to focus often all you can see is the blocks to your own happiness!
Learning to clear blocks that are holding you back and creating true focus are important skills that are often overlooked. Traditional personal development books and life / business coaches talk about a work / life balance but they usually don’t delve into blocks that may be holding you back and are creating an unnecessary struggle. They also often don’t help you firm your visions, so you can hold your future in your mind’s eye with clarity.
As a life and business coach, I am here to guide you and support you when you are ready for positive change in your life.
I focus on innovative strategies that teach you to clear these blocks and teach you to focus on a healthy work/life balance that is true to yourself and your goals and desires.
Many of my clients have had fantastic success stories in both their lives and in their businesses.
“Gay I feel amazing. It really is like I am reborn. All of a sudden things all make sense and I have the power to choose my own destiny once more. A thousand hugs. I will email you with an update when I get home. Bella” |
Not surprisingly, they found that by using kinesiology as part of their strategy, they found their authentic self, they gained confidence, felt happier, motivated, and knew exactly which direction to take in their personal and business life.
Once you have the goal of harmony in place you feel fulfilled and you can work through challenges and growing pains that arise in the future. While clearing the blocks and committing to creating the life you want is work, it doesn’t have to be a painful struggle and I help you find your inner peace as you do it.
If you are looking for innovative ways to access and express your True Self but you haven’t yet found the way that helps the body, mind and spirit, I can help.
Through my own personal experience and through helping clients for over 15 years I have learned that when we toss outdated patterns out of the window and realign our energy, we automatically find new ways to start creating the life that we want to live. The body mind spirit connection experiences profound changes with kinesiology.
Have a look at my services page for more or feel free to contact me if you want to learn more about how to overcome those blocks and create the life you want to live. My mobile number is 0418 795 135, or you can email me at