
Not only do we have a New Moon today (Friday 10/5/2013) but it coincides with an eclipse. As we all know New Moons are always powerful but a new-Moon eclipse is extra powerful. This is the time to start something new! Best time for wishing will be on Saturday after 730 am. You get 10 wishes – write them down and see what happens!

As the eclipse and New Moon are in Taurus it is about material possessions, money, the pleasures of life and our values and morals, both personality based and our Higher perspective. This can bode well for our finances especially if we are working with the concepts of sovereignty and responsibility as opposed to accumulating for accumulations sake.

This will be a great time to take time to clarify your values around money and wealth and make sure you are very clear about any financial deals before you sign off.

And, to really work with this energy remember to enjoy your life. Your prosperity, in the end, always comes from within.


© 2013 Gay Landeta, Create the Life you Want to Live. All rights reserved.