
New BeginningsGay Landeta

I have always loved new beginnings, as a kid I remember turning up to school with my new pencils and exercise book, excited to have another go …. Of course only would take a day or two for that to fade. That process of learning to maintain enthusiasm for an endeavor once it becomes an everyday event has been my life-long learning. Sometimes my enthusiasm is merely a flirtation, once I have engaged in it for a while I realize it isn’t really me. More often these days, those get weeded out before I engage too much energy and I choose the path of things that are right for me. But just because it is right it doesn’t mean it is easy.

As my new endeavor becomes a regular habit and the brain chemicals associated with the new and exciting have waned, my enthusiasm can wane and something else can start to look a whole lot more appealing. And, while I do have persistence, I find, in reality, that I am often only persistent when I feel I can eventually have some success, not when I am stretched beyond my sense of possible success.

To keep on keeping on I need three things:

1) Firstly to accept the journey and not keep focused on an outcome;

2) Secondly I need concrete strategies to keep me stepping forward; and

3) Thirdly, I need the ability to overcome unconscious energetic blocks so I can maintain my enthusiasm in the everyday.


So as we enter into the second month of 2014, I am going to see where my focus and enthusiasm is lasting for the new beginnings I started this year. I am also going to actively identify milestones I can track my progress against and think of my next steps to keep the momentum going. In doing so I trust that I can keep my energy flowing and my new beginnings become lasting outcomes.

And, while I have been talking about my own journey, I know that it is a reflection for a whole lot of us. 🙂

Enjoy and Create the Life You Want to Live…

This article was written by Gay Landeta with the intention of helping you to Create the Life you want to Live. Copyright 2014, All Rights Reserved.