
Gay Landeta

I got this lovely email recently from an old client ….

Dear Gay, Hi there! I am the lady that came to you sooo many years ago with my son Scott, who had in-operable brain cysts and Autism.The journey we took with you was just the beginning of a life journey to Scott becoming empowered to become the best that he could be and on his path to discovering his inner talents.

He is now almost thirteen and a cadet in the PCYC. He attends camps and is very community involved. He is a volunteer in the S.O.U.L Soup Kitchen, preparing food and going on the delivery runs feeding and helping the homeless.

He is an affable young man who would not be where he is today without all the kinesiology and work with you. Scott will always have a learning delay in maths and literacy but, apart from those issues, a gap is not noticeable. He has all the appropriate emotions, feelings, conversational skills and life skills that any parent with a child on the spectrum seeks for their child to master. Your little booklet with the Brain Gym movements is still used as our daily bible. I recommend you to all I meet even though we now are living in Perth. A big thank-you as I feel very lucky to have started with you when Scott was so young and feel I am enjoying the rewards as a parent today and for the years to come as a result.

Heartfelt thanks, Cathy

Scotts mum brought Scott in when he was 4. I always remember he turned up for his first session in his Clark Kent suit. He had not yet been diagnosed but his Mum had recognised that he was different and was on the search for support. We did a number of sessions, some Educational Kinesiology, some Transformational Kinesiology and noticed, step by step, him becoming more and more in charge of himself, even at such a young age. He was the first child I did the TK ‘Mantrams’ Balance with and he intuitively knew that using his special word gave him super powers. I introduced him and his Mum to the Brain Gym activities which they have continued to use to help Scott in his journey.

As she says….

I would like share the joy of the benefits of your beautiful profession as without it I wouldn’t be in the position as I am today, having our boy so engaged in life.

I even used the Brain Gym exercises two years ago when Scott was in the Brisbane Mater Hospital when he was seriously ill with Oestiomylitis and Septicemia. The teachers that came to the ward looked at your little book and thought it was fantastic. Children like Scott do spend multiple times in hospital and Brain Gym is so useful at such times and in any heightened emotional situations. It goes beyond just self control, it facilitates a flow-on effect that other people notice.

Our neurologist is amazed with Scott. I think back to when he was in grade 1 when his brain was in such chemical disturbance from the 38 brain cysts, the death of tissue and brain matter, in addition to the effects of Austism. Scott could not sit for 2 minutes in school. He had to have the teacher sitting next to him and was unable to center himself or connect with all the chaos in his brain. This same boy today, more cysts in the brain and still Autistic, goes to a main stream school and sits and works in-depth in 60 minute sessions unassisted. WOW!!! That is truly the application of Brain Gym and the other methods that he has taken on in his life.

Kinesiology and other methods you teach are as vital as food and water. Living by those techniques your taught him helps him to sustain the balance in his life.

Scott with his favourite Skylanders

Scott with his favourite Skylanders

It is beautiful to hear such lovely stories back from clients and I have no doubt that much of Scott’s beautiful nature comes from such love and acceptance from his wonderful Mum. Here is a picture of the gorgeous Scott with his favourite Skylanders and, as his mum says, “Notice he is always happy. I know it is because he is accepted as perfect the way he is and beams because he knows he is happy with himself.”

And Scott adds that he is very pleased and proud to have his story here and that this blog may get other kids to find their strengths too.

What a delight.