

Gay Landeta


As a client you are no doubt aware that sessions with me are personalized to the nth degree. However because they are so personalized you may not realize the breadth of the work I do…

The core of my work is certainly the way we talk through what’s going on until we get absolute clarity about what shift is required and then, using the independence of muscle monitoring, we find the perfect process to remove the blocks to create the change that is required and then, very often, find an essence or other home-play that will support those changes during the settling in time.

During the whole session you are learning new ways to think and your body is learning new ways of responding. The combination of it all can certainly be unbelievably transformational. Sometimes immediate, other times more like a developmental process – a noticing of how different things are without noticing the change process.


  • Immediate Issues – something has or is about to happen that has thrown you into turmoil. You need a session or 3 to settle, maintain your equilibrium and meet your challenges.
  • Persistent Issues – you are feeling really stuck and may well have been for some time. This may be related to old unresolved issues or just vague discontented feelings. This is a process of uncovering and releasing the old which some will do over 3 or 4 sessions, others perhaps 10 or 12 sessions.
  • Maintenance – Some continue to come every month or so to stay on top of their game and respond from their highest potential.
  • Stress Relief – Stress can be useful when managed well – but it can create major physical and mental health problems including illnesses, insomnia, anxiety and depression when not dealt with. Some clients check in when they recognize feelings of overload. Others book sessions in advance because they know that once they get stressed they forget to self care.
  • Major Life Changes – facing a time of transition, whether ‘good’ or ‘bad’ can be surprisingly difficult to negotiate. Having someone to talk to and process the body, mind and spirit issues that emerge can definitely make any transition easier. Several sessions at these times can help negotiate the bumps and slide more easily into the next stage of life. Some people want intensive support during these times, when they do they often shift into my Life Visions Program. The 3 months of intensive support and growth within an organized structure of reviewing and creating life goals and direction give an often needed focus for these times. In addition to the talk sessions and energy support, clients find working through the workbook a process that challenges and stimulates clarity, insights, innovative ideas and major growth. This is a journey of major transformation.
  • Personal Evolution – my clients tend to be those who may be called Seekers of Wisdom. We wish to gain the clarity and lessons from our experiences both in the past and in the present. We are ready to challenge our beliefs and embrace our power to create our future and we are committed to being present here and now in our lives, because, in the end, that is all that is guaranteed! This underpinning philosophy comes into all the work I do however some clients choose to work directly with some or all of these concepts, such beautiful, challenging work it is too. And part of our never ending process of life.
  • Learning Challenges – many of us have challenges learning, these may be in learning new ideas or ways to do things, coordination issues or comprehension challenges. It might happen when we are at school, at uni, moving into a new position at work… our ability to learn is challenged many times in our life. Often learning challenges are related to neural developmental issues or lack of strategy or skill in a particular area. There are ways to stimulate brain development and develop strategies that work for us, no matter how old. Using muscle monitoring means we find the right order in which to do it. This is often best approached with the 10 session Learn Smart Program.
  • Business Mentoring – Many of my clients have their own businesses or dream of having their own business. I offer various types of support which can vary from individual sessions working on a one off business challenge to participating in my Marketing with Heart Program. All sessions include extensive training and support to enable my clients to gain the skills and remove the blocks to enjoy their work and achieve the success they desire.
  • Workshops – always a great way to learn new skills with like minded people. I offer a variety… please register your interest in receiving updates on upcoming workshops with us by sending us an email or calling us on 07 3255 0099.
  • Online and Skype – with busy transient lives many of my clients enjoy my email programs or Skype sessions. These can be really effective ways to make the changes needed. Email me for info!

Looking at this list of services I am grateful for all my learning experiences, teachers and mentors that have allowed me to refine my skill sets & knowledge. Without these opportunities ( and a lot of hard work on my behalf as well) I would not be able to share the value of this knowledge to improve your life! Part of my skill set is kinesiology, the writers at www.therapyworks.com.au have captured the essence of kinesiology well.

“What is kinesiology?

Kinesiology is a therapy where a practitioner will assess a patient’s health by testing their muscles. The idea is that any imbalance of physique, chemistry, nutrition or emotion can be detected by the variation of stress resistance in various muscle groups. The practitioner can then treat what he or she finds by employing methods of acupressure on certain points of the anatomy and this readjusts the nervous system.

Conventionally the word Kinesiology means the study of motion, in particular the study of how muscles act and coordinate to move the body. However, in the natural health field, the term kinesiology is seen and used in a different way. Here, muscles become monitors of stress and imbalance within the body where ‘Muscle Testing’, the key technique in Kinesiology, is used as an effective and versatile tool for detecting and correcting various imbalances in the body which may relate to stress, nutrition, learning problems, injuries and so on.

Holistic kinesiology aims to improve your health and well being by stimulating your body’s own healing potential. It works on the principle that the body mind and spirit are connected and through the balance of these, full health can be achieved. Kinesiology sessions may include counselling.acupressure, colour therapy, sound therapy, reflexology, emotional release techniques, chakra and meridian balancing, flower essences, homeopathy and nutritional changes.

What are the benefits of kinesiology?

Advocates of the therapy believe that it is preferable to treat the body as a whole and not as a series of separate components. It’s said that energy flow is increased and that by correcting the imbalances that the kinesiologist finds, the body is brought back to a state of health.

A weak muscle, for example, may displace others in your body, which then causes others to weaken or overwork themselves into a state of spasm. This leads to joint pain and a general feeling of malaise as the bones are not being correctly supported by the weakened muscles. Kinesiology may help to address this.

Kinesiology can also benefit learning difficulties, brain function, pain relief, insomnia, depression, relationship problems, hormonal disorders, structural problems (back aches), addictions, fear and phobias and a variety of other conditions.

Enhanced Learning and brain function

Much of the electrical, circuit or nervous system work in Kinesiology comes into the realm of ‘brain integration’ and deals with aspects such as learning problems. Kinesiology has developed many ‘switch on’ points and techniques for the eyes, ears, coordination and the brain as a ‘whole’.
The power of Kinesiology in this area has been brought to the fore by Dr. Paul Dennison, whose discoveries updating conventional cross patterning movements have been most profound. While ‘cross-crawling’ is considered a normal motor activity, many people are not ‘switched on’ to this integrated movement. Consequently their body prefers non integrated modes and circuits which have a detrimental effect on their ability to learn or respond appropriately to stress. Switching people back on in this respect is very basic to Kinesiology work. The simplicity of techniques which one can learn in this area is truly amazing.

Emotional Stress Release Techniques

Stress related work has become a major part of the Kinesiology field, and fundamental to its effectiveness in this area is the Emotional Stress Release or Stress Defusion concepts.

Stress Release techniques are very simple yet most powerful. They are taught in all Kinesiology courses and are used regularly in consulting work. This is because at the basis of many disharmonies we find stress and emotions blocking or impairing proper body and mind functioning. Stress Release can help to clear blockages related to past or present traumas, belief systems, negative thoughts etc.

The basis of Stress Release can be used by any individual for their own growth or to help others. It also functions effectively when used with affirmations or when working with goals.”

Thanks to Therapy Works for the above information: www.therapyworks.com.au

I hope you found this opportunity to explore how my work can help you Create the Life You to Live & feel free to email or call me with any questions or to book a session create@gaylandeta.com.au or 0418 795 135. If you aren’t sure what you need don’t worry, the process always finds the way.

This article was written by Gay Landeta with the intention of helping you to Create the Life you Want to Live! All rights reserved 2014.