
December 15th, 2010

so many clients have said they enjoyed this meditation from my ezine this month I thought I would share it…

This months booster was inspired by my dear friend and wonderful challenger, Betty, who owns the beautiful Abaxas Bookshop http://www.abraxas-net.com.au/ in Byron Bay. As I was whingeing about some poor me story (yeah, me too!) she told me about this simple meditation she received from her teacher, Paul Tisdell of http://www.spirituallife.com.au/. I enjoyed it so much I have decided to do it twice a day each day this month. I hope you like it too.

Relax, breath in deeply and out fully and allow yourself to settle.

See a doorway, enter it and take 10 steps down. There will be a candle burning in the centre of a ring. Step into the ring and up to the candle.

Either write down and then burn or just download directly into the candle all the stories that are keeping you stuck. See them burn and be destroyed.

They may need alot of burning but each time you do the thought has less power in your life. Build on this by not giving those stories any power in your day-to-day life and feel the freedom of living in the now.

Enjoy the peace and have a great month!
