February 2nd, 2012
Some cool stuff from Create’s Facebook Like Page

Great article on learning from anger from http://Psychcentral.com, a great article resource. …Anger. It’s got a pretty bad reputation. And we’re often told what to do with it: be careful with it. Suppress it. Vent it. Override it. It’s like anger’s some kind of volatile, toxic force to be harnessed or defused ….But maybe there’s another way of looking at it altogether. Learning from Anger, Life Lessons Therapy
And another on how fear can morph into anger in our littlies (nothing worse than a raging 3 year old!) Psychcentral.com once again.….When children are afraid of something, adults often reassure them. Many kids are afraid of the dark or of monsters under the bed. This fear usually starts sometime around preschool and is a great way to delay bedtime or to keep a loved one hovering around the bedside…. When Fear looks like Anger
And speaking of kids, do you wonder sometimes about how much they use computers in school? Here is an article from NYTimes.com on a school in the Silicon Valley that DOESN’T use computers at all … ….LOS ALTOS, Calif. — The chief technology officer of eBay sends his children to a nine-classroom school here. So do employees of Silicon Valley giants like Google, Apple, Yahoo and Hewlett-Packard. But the school’s chief teaching tools are anything but high-tech: pens and paper, knitting needles and, occasionally, mud. Not a computer to be found……. Waldorf School in Silicon Valley
Research is showing stress is actually very debilitating to the brain, time to find simple ways to de -stress. What do you do to destress regularly? From healthland.time.com …Stress is an integral part of all of our lives, so much so, in fact, that we tend to shrug off our racing pulses and insomnia and constant angst as nothing unusual. But researchers say that even everyday stress can be leading to changes in the brain that make us more vulnerable to mental as well as social disorders… Stress Shrinks the Brain
Are you a perfectionist? Pride yourself on how much you know (and perhaps close you mind to new learning)? Or even just struggle with making mistakes. This article points out the major benefits of learning to take the risks required to learn. From Psychcentral.com …Individuals who believe they can learn from a mistake have a different brain reaction just after making an error than those who think intelligence is fixed…..Believing you can Learn from Mistakes helps you to recover from Mistakes

Anyone who knows me knows that I am very big on the concept of becoming the observer to our life. Here is a rather nice blog from Willspirit.com on developing a bigger perspective of life on this planet. …This afternoon my wife and I went canoeing on a reservoir here in the Sierra Foothills. Manmade lakes aren’t our first choice for boating, but today’s scenery was surprisingly lovely…. if our importance comes from association with the entire collective of people on earth, we should give thought to how we can benefit the human family. We should focus on the common good, and not our insistent but unimportant hungers…. Self Importance

Love this cool art project from LaughingSquid.com! ...Brooklyn-based Katie O’Beirne leaves disposable cameras attached to park benches with hemp twine and a note in New York City parks and waits for folks to take the bait…. New York Shots
Physical alignment and comfortable movement is the foundation to ease in life. Here is a simple stretch for the psoas (which is where we hold fear, so a good place to release!) AlignedandWell.com is an excellent resource for phsycial alignment and wellbeing.….The psoas is a muscle that, when functioning optimally makes the world glow just a little brighter. Sitting makes the psoas about three inches shorter than it should be. And when the psoas ain’t happy, the pelvic floor, the hips, and the spine aren’t happy either….. Simple Psoas Stretch
And also from AlignedandWell.com, 5 tips to help you towards a happier and more aligned body. …. here are a few (simple, inexpensive) suggestions to get you moving towards whole-body wellness today…. 5 Tips to Alignment
This is the final part on 5 Steps to Changing a Toxic Relationship. It has links to the other 3 articles and offers 5 tips to help you to shift away from toxic scripted patterns. Sometimes these relationships hide something beautiful, learning about them and getting both parties on board for change can transform them. Even if still collapses you can take the positive change to your next relationship. ( Links to the other 3 articles are within the article) from Psychcentral.com….In Part 1 of this series, we identified five toxic patterns partners get stuck in that activate one another’s protective-response patterns. In Part 2, we looked at the neuroscience beneath the emotional command circuits that destabilize each partner’s inner sense of emotional safety in relation to the other. We then touched on key factors that affect relational balance in Part 3, and considered the first step partners can take – cultivating awareness of one another’s triggers – to break free of the toxic patterns and restore balance in your lives.In this final post in the series, we continue with 4 remaining steps of 5 that, when mindfully applied, can help partners stop, change and move away from toxic scripted patterns that destabilize their sense of emotional safety, particularly in triggering situations that activate each partner’s preconditioned protective neural patterns……Toxic Couple Relationships
And now you know a little more about healing toxic relationships, how about learning how not to get there in the first place (from PsychCentral.com also). This article mentions two of my favourite books… …The other weekend, I read Gary Chapman’s The Five Love Languages, and I found it fascinating. (I have to confess: the book caught my attention because it’s always clustered near, and above, The Happiness Project on the New York Times bestseller list.)…Which Love Language Suits You and Your Partner?
How about incense as an antidepressant?! From sciencedaily.com. Religious leaders have contended for millennia that burning incense is good for the soul. Now, biologists have learned that it is good for our brains too…..What Monks Have Always Known

Back to busy life? Here is a good blog on tips for meal planning for beginners from the blog, StayathomeMum.net.au.
…It’s a fact of life that we have to eat, three meals per day in fact.  Day in, day out for the rest of our lives…..  A lot of people are scared of meal planning, or feel it’s too much like hard work.  But it’s all about being organised….
Meal Planning for Beginners
And more from StayatHomeMum.net.au some great ideas for kids lunches (I reckon you can’t have too many quick lunchbox ideas!) …Kids at school need healthy food so that they can stay on top of their schoolwork and get the energy they need to concentrate for the whole day….. Healthy Lunch Box Ideas for Kids
Do you know a little one with a disability who feels a bit left out and different? Here is a project called ‘Travelling Awareness Bears’ that you can find at metagraphical.com will help them feel that they are not alone. I love this idea, I still remember my 3 year old sister feeling very secure with hanging onto her bear who had to have the same operation as she did. She had someone who understood right beside her. …To spread awareness around the world about different disabilities, disorders, syndromes, etc. while providing love and encouragement towards children. To help children not only feel more comfortable about their “differences” but, to show them that they are not alone with those “differences.”…. Travelling Bears
And now, after all that technology you might like to take a beauty break with this video from the blog AscendingStarseed.wordpress.com…As a teenager I went through a tree hugging phase and can remember having several very enlightening moments while communicating with trees…..Listen with your Heart
Please feel free to send me any link you have to inspiring or useful things, or join us on Facebook at  Create’s Facebook Like Page and add them to the list.

Till next time, Gay